项目的配置文件是XML,项目中用了脚本语言LUA 5.3,找了几个lua解析xml的库,测试都不怎么样,有些是因为LUA的版本比较旧,用得话还得转(虽然工作量不大),最后找到了luaxml ,发现节点检索超方便。
xml = require('LuaXml')-- load XML data from file "test.xml" into local table xfilelocal xfile = xml.load("test.xml")print(type(xfile))-- search for substatement having the tag "scene"local xscene = xfile:find("id","id","5")-- if this substatement is foundif xscene ~= nil then -- print it to screen print(xscene) -- print tag, attribute id and first substatement print(xscene.id,xscene.buildLevel)end--xfile:save"t.xml"print("---\nREADY.")for i,node in pairs(xfile:find("root")) do print("tag is ",node.tag) if node.tag~=nil and node[node.tag]=="id" then print(node.id,node.buildLevel,node.upGrade) endendlocal f2 = xml.load("test2.xml")local section = f2:find("section","id","0")local difficulty=section:find("difficulty","id","1")local level=difficulty:find("level","id","0")print(level.point)
function xml.find(var, tag, attributeKey,attributeValue)
recursively parses a Lua table for a substatement fitting to the provided tag and attribute-
- param var, the table to be searched in.
- param tag (optional) the xml tag to be found.
- param attributeKey (optional) the exact attribute to be found.
- param attributeValue (optional) the attribute value to be found.
- Returns the first (sub-)table which matches the search condition or nil.
xml = require('LuaXml')这里一定要设置为全局的,加个local会出事的